VELOVE awarded by DinEl Miljöfond
We are happy to announce that DinEl Miljöfond has awarded VELOVE, enabling us to build our third prototype.
The purpose of DinEl Miljöfond is to contribute to innovation and sustainable development in the energy sector with a focus on electricity, and to communicate this knowledge. |
Refugee Housing Unit makes final three in World Design Impact Prize
The World Design Impact Prize is a biennial designation created to recognise, empower and stimulate socially responsible design projects around the world. The International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced the winner, ABC Syringe, at a gala Dinner in Cape Town on 28 February 2014.
Together with our colleagues at Chen Karlssson in Stockholm, we run at project to develop a better refugee shelter for the millions of children and families forced to flee their homes every year. The project is a unique collaboration between the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the IKEA Foundation and RHU (a subsidiary of SVID, Swedish Industrial Design Foundation).
VELOVE Cargo bike and trailer
In collaboration with our friend Johan Erlandsson, we develop a four-wheeled bike with electric assistance, which is narrow enough to get around easily on bike paths. It is fast, fun to drive and can handle heavy loads splendidly in all weather conditions.
Johan and his team are currently testing prototype 1 & 2 in their cargo company MoveByBike, and soon we hope to get started on the third prototype and pre-series.
Finding hidden treasures
Together with a leading european manufacturer of home automotion systems we are exploring how to expose the hidden, and turn it into an end-user sensory experience. The use of innovative concepts in their B2B segment will create new business opportunities and be used for entering new markets and segments. |
Creating a script that keeps the brand alive in every frame
The nice butcher Svenska Gårdar did a movie together with skilled Ten Film, and we helped ti write the script with a particular focus on ensuring that the brand was reflected in the film in a good way. A tasty mission. |
Kanter & Karlsson has recruited a designful mind
We’re happy to announce Elisabet Fluff Kärrberg has joined us. Since her graduation from the master programme in Business & Design at HDK last year, this curious and diligent designer has developed methods and tools of great use for us, as well as written the book Selling Design Services. Her designful mind and business-savvy approach has proven successful in collaboration with technology companies during the fall and we now look forward to having her on board with us. |
We say Giorno, ben tornato!
Once again we are happy to welcome Nicolò Edoardo Barlera, this time to join our forces at Kanter & Karlsson. Nicolò recently graduated with the highest scores from Politechnico di Milano and we got to know his excellent skills in the art of design and italian cooking during his internship here. Splendid to have you back! |
Seminar lecture at Elfack
Dennis held a seminar lecture at Elfack 2011 about the importance of end user focus and what it means - and most important - how to maintain it from the first idea throughout the development process until it reaches the market. |
Tutoring at HDK
Since we ourselves have studied at HDK, School of Design and Crafts at the University of Gothenburg, it was an honor and excitement to give a course at the Design Master this spring. The wonderful students came from various countries in Europe and the course challenged them to find and analyze different Cultural Indicators of Sweden and to create something of their thoughts. Super talents on their way to join the design force!
WORKSHOP: Business development by design thinking
Looking beyond traditional target groups and functionality, acknowledging emotional and self expressive needs is a powerful tool of innovation – that is what our new workshop is all about.
Invited by CRED to share a morning at the fortress of Varberg, we, together with 30 entrepreneurs and mentors, spent three creative hours finding new exciting user centred business opportunities. Looking beyond target groups and marketing analysis and instead trying to understand the needs of their users proved to be a powerful source of innovation.
Big contract for a giant vision
How about a flat-packed home for emergency relief for all the people around the world enduring their lives in tents in the worst of conditions?
We have a unique opportunity to improve the lives of millions in co-managing with Johan Karlsson, a joint venture owned by Formens Hus in Hällefors, and in a unique collaboration with UNHCR and the IKEA Foundation. We aim to design and commercialize a stockpileable home for emergency relief which brings access to the essential services of shelter, clean water, energy and cooking for potentially all people around the world displaced by conflicts and natural disasters.
Sustainable growth in springtime
During May and June we were engaged as design thinkers in a series of innovation-workshops initiated by Innovationsbron and The Natural Step. The concept is about helping start-up companies to form a vision and a road map for sustainable business strategies. During three sessions the sustainability term is introduced, the company’s vision and goal formed, challenges mapped and the path to a sustainable future is set.
Kanter & Karlsson says Giorno!
We are happy to welcome Nicolò Barlera, a very talented master student at Politechnico di Milano. During his internship Nicolò will be a much appreciated cultural input and resource for creativity, conceptualization and visualization in several projects.
A brand structure for expanded identity
As Sweden’s foremost community for green transition is expanding abroad and launches new communities, a solid structure and clear strategy lay ground for a refined identity and enhanced user experience.
New product identity
Opening up for OEM production requires a long term strategy for how to handle product identity and how to distinguish your own product from your client’s.
Kanter & Karlsson keeps evolving
We joined well renowned Business Region Göteborg's programme Expedition Framåt for their excellent range of business related workshops and diverse network to further develop Kanter & Karlsson.
User driven design
How hard can it be? as we often ask our selves. Have you ever been upset by an unnecessary complex interface of an electronic device, and a poorly written manual to go with it? We have, frequently, and now we have the opportunity to do something about it.
The thermostats that we have been designing will come with a good manual and interface. Not just good looks.
Sustainable communication
A sustainability & develoment project led by Innovationsbron and Västra Götalandsregionen, needed a logo for efficient communication. We led the design process and worked with AD Daniel Hägglund aka One Man Band.
Help for our friends at Framtidens Företag
We are happy to have Julia Karlsson, student at Broby Grafiska, a much needed graphic designer, and quickly involved in almost all companies at the incubator.
We learned something
During the last year Linda Margo has been a student at the new master program Business & Design. The program is the first of its kind in Sweden, and is a collaboration between HDK – School of Design and Crafts and the School of Business, Economics and Law at Göteborg University. The programme is designed for students and professionals from various educational backgrounds (design, economy, engineering, behavioural science…) with a common interest in working strategically with design.
Design strategy & Mature markets
During spring much talented Karin Hartman, Industrial Design student at Lunds tekniska högskola, worked with us on a project finding new innovative approaches to a mature market.
Lesson 2: How to fly the airplane
Some say bumble-bees cannot fly – even though they actually have wings. Some humans want wings too. Therefore the airline we are working with started up an education for pilots and cabin crew. We help them with the strategy and identity – and we make them fly a little higher.
Lesson 1: How to paint an airplane
We could never imagine that we would be given the chance to brand a brand new airline company, at least not as one of our first assignments as a new design office. But suddenly one day a nice pilot gave us a call. And well, we said yes! We are also very happy to work with Daniel Hägglund, John Öhman and David Herder in this project.
We make the world warmer
Did you know that candy factories transport their chocolate in heated pipe lines? In order to control the heat one uses thermostats. Thermostats are used in many ways, and they are often spotted as little grey boxes on the walls.
The grey boxes are like small almost hidden entities on our walls, they don't make a lot of fuss. Though, the ones we are working on at the moment are very much alive and a lot more fuzzy than you would expect. Intelligent thermostats saves energy.
Linda Margo about design in Tekla Magazine
Tekla is a magazine for young girls interested i technology.
Download the article

Creative GBG in Tokyo
Kanter & Karlsson almost went to Tokyo. But we realised that it would be cheaper for us not to go. So instead we sponsored a catalogue about our creative home town that was handed out at an exhibition in Tokyo. We have no idea what the japanese text is saying about us. But the pictures were nice.
Download the catalogue: Creative GBG PDF
Visit: www.creativegbg.com