Yesbox Suit - Award winner
The clothes make the man, and good clothes make good men! Warm and playful, strict and grey - the demands of a formal outer meet with the poetic vision of knitted wool and colourful folklore patterns. Yesbox suit is designed to meet the challenges of the modern man as he crosses future time zones.
With an exclusively knitted fabric, Yesbox suit encourages feelings and behaviours that doesn’t always fit within the suit as we know it today. It is sheltering package with a formal outer. At a glance, it seems to be just another classical weaved fabric, whereas the tactile sensation is like wearing your favourite sweater at home.
The Yesbox suit has a charming feature with its Hold me pocket®. In the right seem at the back of the suit there is an extra pocket added. The pocket is not intended to be used by the carrier himself, but by his companion to warm the hands during chilly winter walks.
Instead of a hand craft do-it-yourself approach, the Yesbox suits where realised in close cooperation with industry. This included manufacturing of textiles, pattern making and tailoring.
The projected was completed in cooperation with the suit manufacturer Oscar Jacobson, the knitting factory M&E Carlsson, the computer grading company SL Datagradering and the foundation Göteborgs Slöjdförening.
The Yesbox suit has won two awards and has been exhibited twice:
First prize at Saving the Planet in Style 2006
Jury: Svensk Form, Konstfack, SVID, Sveriges Reklamförbund, Aestratego, Svenska Naturskyddsföreningen and Svanen
Arranged by O2 Nordic, Konstfack, Albaeco and The Forum For Design & Sustainable Enterprise
Motivation in Swedish:
“Kostymen är i sig själv producerad med stor respekt för uthållighet, men produkten har ett högre syfte. Genom att via sin bärare mjuka upp klimatet i de högsta maktsfärerna skapas förutsättningar för hållbarare beslut till planetens bästa.”
First prize at Framtidens Konsthantverk (Craft of the future) Arranged by Bohusslöjd
Summer exhibition, Röhss museum of Design, Gothenburg 2006
ERA05, Eriksberg Gothenburg 2005